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Tao Health Feng Shui Consultations


Creating harmony in your living environment

Tao Health Feng Shui consultations - learn how to create harmony and peace in your living space

Feng Shui

Feng Shui (literally 'wind and water') is the ancient Chinese art of creating harmonious environments. Our outer environment affects our inner environment, which is why when you go to a beautiful place in nature or drive down a beautiful street, you will automatically feel good! When you feel good in a place, whether that be at work, at home or out in nature, you will be happier, more productive and attract more good things into your life. It pays to make sure your environment is harmonious!

However, for various reasons our environments may not be as harmonious as we would like. This can be due to a number of things including:

Tao Health Feng Shui Consultations - attract health, wealth and harmony into your life

Kim's background in Feng Shui

I was born a natural sensitive, and have an innate ability to sense the energy of the environment. (Actually, everyone is born with this ability, but some are more attuned to it than others. We can also supress this ability early in childhood due to life circumstances and events). Although I was always using these abilities, it took me years to understand what I was doing at a conscious level.

From an early age I could sense the energy of space and knew intuitively how to place furniture for maximum feelings of peace and harmony. I had no idea at the time that there was actually a word for doing this, it was just how I did things.

Then, in 1997 I went to an introductory Feng Shui class, and by the end of the session I thought to myself, "well, this is interesting, I've been doing this all my life, I just didn't know it had a name". I then went on to complete a one year certificate in Feng Shui with Maia Martin, Feng Shui author and consultant.


Feng Shui Consultations with Kim

Although I have gone through the theoretical training, I tend to work very intuitively. During the consultation I will come to your house and advise you on what can be done to improve the Feng Shui of your home. This may include:

Benefits of a harmonious living space

What can you expect to experience when your living environment has better Qi?

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